Lab 9 - Mathematical models: pray-predator equations and its applications in ecology, finance and medicine (G. Chiari)

The workshop involves the introduction of the Lotka-Volterra equations (and their variations) and their applications in different areas. Students are involved in the process of developing a model, starting with the observation of the phenomenon, proceeding with a characterization of the dynamics involved and the mathematical formulation of them. The concepts of derivative, partial derivative equations, dynamical systems and equilibrium are introduced in experimental terms and guide students to an understanding of the development and study of a mathematical model.
Students are provided with Python code that simulates the models presented, through which they can see how model parameters influence solutions. In particular, the model is used in applications to describe several possible scenarios:
- competition between predators and prey in an ecosystem;
- the transfer of capital between parent bank, subsidiary and individuals/companies;
- the interaction between cell populations within a tumor mass and the effects on the efficacy of therapies.

Activities will be held according to the following schedule:

Monday, December 11, h 16-18.30 room 6C (English)

Wednesday, December 13, h 16-18.30 room 6D (Italian)

Friday, December 15, h 16-18.30 room 6C (Italian)